What happens when you decide to set aside everything you thought you knew about education and deeply inquire about how your child best learns? For Sari Gonzalez and Becka Koritz, co-founders of Radical Learning, this path led to a revolutionary approach to education centered on self-directed, relationship-driven learning. In this episode, hosted by Modulo founder Manisha Snoyer, Becka and Sari share how their experiences as mothers to neurodivergent children and educators inspired them to challenge conventional systems and embrace de-schooling. They discuss their program, The Shift, a transformative experience that helps parents and educators rethink power, connection, and education. With a focus on empowerment and trust, this conversation offers an inspiring reimagining of how we live, learn, and grow together.
❤️ Sari González
Sari González, Director of Explora Agile Learning Community and Co-founder of Radical Learning, is a passionate advocate for youth liberation and rights, educator, experienced parent coach, and facilitator trainer known for her clear, practical focus and dedication to intentional culture creation within the self-directed education movement. Leaving the corporate world to advocate for youth agency, she has spent the last 20 years humanizing education through initiatives like Summer Search, Farm School NYC, and Cottonwood NYC. Empowering adults to support children’s learning, autonomy, and agency, Sari provides innovative tools for parents and educators to radically shift the way they think about, speak to, and relate to young people.
❤️ Rebecka (Becka) Koritz
Becka Koritz is a visionary and innovative educator with over 30 years of experience, including 25 years of training teachers. Growing up in the Montessori public school in Sweden, she has since founded two Waldorf initiatives and Explora, an Agile Learning Center in Mexico. As a Co-founder of Radical Learning, she supports parents and educators in fostering young people’s learning, autonomy and agency. Becka is a leading voice in the self-directed education movement in Latin America, a dedicated youth rights advocate, and a prolific and impactful content and course creator around SDE and partnership parenting for Spanish-speaking audiences. She is Sweden’s main advocate against mandatory schooling, defending kids’ right to diverse educational alternatives. She authored the Swedish book “A School from Scratch” (2016).
About Modulo
Modulo is a community-driven platform designed to support families in navigating modular learning with confidence and ease. Through Modulo, members can search and book a wide range of vetted curriculum, tutors, classes, online and local programs. Premium membership includes exclusive access to an online community of innovative families (mainly techies, entrepreneurs and educators) homeschooling their kids, as well as weekly kids’ clubs, exclusive fireside chats, and dedicated online support from learning specialists. Whether creating a homeschool schedule, addressing learning challenges, or exploring new educational opportunities, Modulo provides resources and connections to help families thrive in their unique learning pathways.
Resources mentioned
Radical Learning Resources
For communities who want to shift paradigms around education together such as co-ops, schools, educational organizations, the Shift is an absolutely transformative experience to consider for your group. Radical learning’s online course, deeply deschooling is a great opportunity for groups that want to enter this process of deep transformation. Modulo has no financial interest in the program. We just love what Sari and Becka do!
Other Resources Mentioned
Relevant Modulo resources
“When parents disagree about homeschooling”
Key concepts
2E (Twice Exceptional)
Fierce love: Manisha first heard the idea of “fierce love” from a spiritual teacher called Adyashanti.
* Starred resources may contain an affiliate link. This means that Modulo may earn a small commission when you purchase the resource through the link, at no additional cost to you.
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