Jul 25Liked by Manisha Rose Snoyer

how would you foster more independent studying / play for a young child? my 3 year old daughter will sit for a lesson or play with me but struggles to consistently be able to study or entertain herself alone.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

I would say three is still quite young to be playing independently, and you may not even want to have that expectation until she turns five or six. Kids really need time with a primary caregiver. However, I would suggest as much as possible being at peace with her being bored and not entertained. If she gets bored, just let her be bored, reflect that feeling. We often have the impulse to entertain. Another strategy is taking her outside and letting her play and explore. I hope that's somewhat helpful. If you do let her be bored and learn to be independent now it will really pay off when she gets older.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Andrew, I realize my comment may have been a bit oversimplifying, but the developmental stages part is really key. However, the more you and your partner and caregiver don't try to entertain, the better luck you'll probably have of raising an independent learner. We're so conditioned to do that it can hard to break the habit, but it's worth it!

I also recommend this post:


And reading "How to talk so kids can learn"


And reading Peter Gray's Book Free to Learn (it's a bit idealistic, and exaggerates the science a bit, but also iconic, a game changer for many parents)


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Aug 6Liked by Manisha Rose Snoyer

Thanks that is helpful to hear. I do find myself falling into entertainer role a lot, good to know that I should suppress it sometime.

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Of course! And I would never encourage a parent to suppress an urge because parent intuition is also strong. Just, be aware...and give yourself a break if you feel the urge to entertain. It's ok and even good for her to be bored. Experiment and see what happens:) You seem like an amazing dad and your child is very lucky.

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